Hot and Hotter

Sunday 28th June

I am returning to Eymet where it has been hot, in the mid-thirties actually.  But back in England it has seemed even hotter, although actually it was only in the mid-twenties.  Why is that?  I really don’t know, but I think it must be down to humidity.  I had spent a couple of days at Walton and it was sunny and warm but by the seaside you always get a bit of a sea-breeze.  I had a hearing test on Friday in Clacton (even I, Superman, am starting to fall apart) and the train back to London at midday.  It was at Liverpool Street that I really felt the nasty sticky heat.  There is an escalator from the concourse up to street level and it was here that I felt it like a wave almost of heat.  The streets were crowded and pulling my case behind me I had to weave through a mass of people, almost all under forty (no-one old now seems to work in the City) as I made my way to Bank and the Restaurant I had to do some work for.

I was so thirsty too, two glasses of lemonade went down pretty quick and I got the work done.  Then the dreaded tube journey home.  So many people rushing and squashed up together (and no, it is no fun). As usual I had to stand.  The thought hit me that I used to do this twice a day for over forty years….durgh !!!

Home and it still seemed really hot.  A few chores, mowing and watering the lawn, doing my washing, unpacking and repacking my case.  A couple of friends came round and we had a take-away curry.  One of the few things I actually miss in Eymet.  But even in bed I was hot and sticky and slept badly.  Am flying back today (Saturday) into an even hotter country, but somehow I feel it will be a cooler place to be.