Phillip Goodhand-Tait – Rehearsal (1970)
Phillip was a minor singer-songwriter, most people haven’t heard of him, but he is a particular favourite of mine. His voice is reminiscent of Rod but a bit quieter; who knows why some voices appeal and become instantly recognisable while others may be perfectly competent and yet we fail to make a connection with them. Anyway, Phil is one artist I have followed throughout his career and sought out his albums, and still look out for them. In the early 60’s he was lead singer in a rock and roll band – The Stormsville Shakers – they never made it. But he wrote a few songs for ‘The Love Affair’ which became minor hits. He was picked up by DJM records and given the time and space to develop his own style (an unknown Elton was also on the label). This first effort is pretty good and shows his variety of songwriting. Best tracks are ‘Heaven help Belinda’, ‘Gone Are The Songs Of Yesteryear’ and ‘Jeannie’.