And a word for the 18 Israeli Soldiers Killed

Monday 21st July

So sad that these young men had to die fighting old mens wars.  We often concentrate on civilian deaths but just because these young men were in uniform it makes their death no less poignant, no less sad and no less important.  Unfortunately the deaths of both soldiers and civilians on both sides doesn’t seem to make people see reason.  And each act of violence becomes another act of revenge, another reason to keep hating the other side.  This is a war that niether side can win, unless one or the other is totally destroyed.  And even then it seems the relatives, the great grandchildren of the dispossessed will still want to fight.  The whole world is crying out for peace.  And despite the words of the leaders of both sides that they want meaningful talks nothing ever gets done about it.

Is it really so important where the actual borders are eventually placed.  Yes, a few thousand people may have to be moved and resettled.  Yes, there will still be mistrust and stupidity.  But the UN, or at least us and the US must try to end this senseless slaughter.  We are on the brink of a hundred years after the first World War when countless millions died and which led, many believe, directly to World War 2 where almost as many died too.  Have we learnt nothing in those hundred years.

Woodrow Wilson came in to help end the First World War with great principles, which as he died before they could be implemented have been abandoned by those who followed.  One of them was self-determination of disputed territories.  In Gaza and the West Bank, let these pricicples be applied, small area by small area if necessary.  Also in the Ukraine.  You cannot force people to live under what they consider to be a foreign power forever.