Welcome back to Tory Britain

Sunday 18th December

Here we are again, after 6 and a half years, we are well and truly back in Tory Britain.   The NHS is in perpetual crisis, starved of real investment, told to make do, the victim of unnecessary and costly re-organisation, it limps on.  Ambulances are waiting for thirty minutes outside clogged up A. and E.  Routine operations are cancelled for the Winter, beds are blocked by the elderly because there is NO care in the community.  Community?  What community?  The fifty billion extra promised by Cameron before the election has been quietly forgotten; after all – he is now yesterday’s man…

Welcome to Tory Britain.  Education is still a mess; despite years of Academies and billions given to free schools we have slipped to 42nd in the World’s educational standards. Swivel-eyed Nicky Morgan was sacked and her replacement doesn’t even believe in grammar schools but has to trumpet the new party line….

Welcome to Tory Britain.  Housing is now just for those who already own houses, or buy-to-let landlords or a few lucky youngsters whose parents can afford to help them on to the ladder.  Private rents are rising fast and unscrupulous landlords are the new norm; councils are being forced to evict people whose kids have grown up and left home and the bedroom tax is being applied even to those with disabled children….

Welcome to Tory Britain.  Companies already making large profits are having Corporation tax cut; the rich cannot be expected to pay high taxes anymore, and inheritance tax thresholds are rising too.  The deficit is rising again, but hey – money is still cheap, mind you – better keep those cuts in place a while longer….

Welcome to Tory Britain.  Whose clever idea was it to let private companies run our prisons?  How else are they going to make a profit except by cutting staff?  Then when the riots begin, the Police will have to sort it out….

Welcome to Tory Britain.  The bastards John major complained about are now in charge.  Europe is still the fault-line running through the party and another whole Parliament will be consumed by Brexit while the country stagnates….

Welcome to Tory Britain.  There is no money for anything anymore.  Except HS2, and Heathrow runways, and repairs to Buckingham Palace and Trident of course. But Social care is crumbling, the NHS still underfunded, local councils struggling to keep services running, but there simply isn’t any money, especially as we will have to hire who knows how many negotiators and civil servants just to get out of Europe, let alone to try to make trade deals elsewhere….

Welcome to Tory Britian, where our Prime Minister cozies up to oil-rich Shieks and sells them weapons, while they indiscriminately bomb their enemies in the Yemen….

Welcome to Tory Britain where Brexit means Brexit and it will be Red White and Blue, and that is all you need to know.