Brilliant Debut Albums #120
Morcheeba – Who Can You Trust (1996)
A London group who specialise in down-tempo electronica and dance music; main band members are the Godfrey brothers, Paul and Ross – and the gentle but sumptuous vocals from Skye Edwards. They tried to be a bit more commercial than a lot of the dance scene and veered between straight pop and trip-hop with great success. As usual, in fact as always, it is the songs that matter – and this band are superb writers of melodious and intriguing songs. Thanks again to daughter Laura for introducing the band to me; I have the first 6 albums, though they are continuing to release records I had to stop somewhere. Best on this fully formed debut are the title track, ‘Trigger Hippie’ and ‘Col’ – but the album is almost one long piece of dreamy moody melodies….love it