The Weather is like the News

Monday 17th June

Occasional sunny spells, but mostly overcast dull and drizzly.  And don’t expect it to get much better for a while either, it is British Summer after all.  I know that there are some who say that you shouldn’t be on telly all the time, you should hold back a bit until nearer the actual election, but come on Ed, we hardly ever see you.  A speech and maybe a weak exchange at PMs question time and then you run back behind the hedge so that we can’t see you.  I am certain that quite a large section of the population wouldn’t recognize your face, let alone your name.

And all the while that lead over the Tories appears pretty fragile, veering between a lead of 10 points occasionally to 6 or 7 when UKIP begins to do well.  Which really isn’t good enough.  I understand that Labour has a credibility problem regarding the deficit reduction and spending in general.  But to roll over and say that Labour would accept the Government spending plans for 2 years if elected in 2015 seems to be sending all the wrong signals.  Labour is supposed to be the alternative, not the same as the Government.

And so we have a Dutch auction in fear and wetness and not rocking the boat.  What we need is some real policies, and even if Labour cannot promise to reverse all the Tory cuts, surely they can reverse some.  Give us a bit of hope Mr. Milliband, or you may inadvertently drive too many into the arms of smiling Nigel Farage. And so the politics is a bit like the weather, whenever the sun makes a brief appearance, it clouds over and begins to drizzle again.  So, don’t put your brolly away yet folks, it still looks dull out.