Letter to the Queen

Monday 12th June

Your Majesty.

I beg your pardon for writing this letter, but I feel that maybe you are actually the only person who can resolve the impasse we find ourselves in.   In your many years you have seen and had to tolerate many Prime Ministers.  Some you may have liked and some you probably detested.  But surely you have never had such an arrogant and incompetent first Minister as you now find yourself with.

It would seem that we are at an impasse.  We have two main Political parties, neither of which can on their own command a majority in the House of Commons.  The current Prime Minister’s immediate predecessor had a Coalition with the Liberal Democrats, which among other things passed a law determining that each parliament should last for five years.  Fat lot of use that was.  The current (but I am writing this on Sunday so I may already be out of date) Prime Minister tore that up for purely party Political reasons.  She asked you to dissolve parliament simply for her own advantage.  As it happens she lost badly and is clinging on to power.  Incidentally you did not have to agree with this and given the pass we are in, maybe your regret it already.

We now face the prospect of our country being run at the whim of the nastiest party, the DUP,  this country has ever seen.  But far more important than that is the Peace Process in Northern Ireland.  This was already in trouble because of the arrogance and intransigence of Arlene Phillips, who will now be pulling the strings of Theresa May.

But you do not have to let this state of things continue.  You do have the power to dissolve an obviously unworkable Parliament.  You can refuse to read out the words of your first Minister called ‘your speech’.  It must be in this country’s, and especially for the Peace process in Northern Ireland, interests to have a Government that has the backing of both the public and the House of Commons.  The arguments have already been laid out in detail, the process need only take two or maybe three weeks.

Once again I beg your pardon for addressing you.  I am sure you are receiving advice already from many quarters.  In your many years on the throne we have not asked you for so much; a bit of arm waving, a few buildings and ships to consecrate.  But we need your help now to rid us of this truly incompetent crew of opportunists.  Do the right thing, your Majesty, just this once.

Your sincerely  – your humble subjects.