It’s All Very Well Complaining Now

Wednesday 8th October

What did the Lib-Dems really expect, back in 2010.  Did they really think that an electorate which voted for them largely because they weren’t what was then seen as Labour failure and certainly were far more left-wing then the Tories, would be ecstatic at the thought that they would be part of a coalition which would largely drive a Conservative agenda through the house of Commons.  In a way we should have got the Government we deserved; Labour were rejected because the economic downturn happened on their watch and because they had been in power for thirteen years and because Gordon wasn’t Tony.  But the Tories did not win an overall majority.  We should have therefore had a minority Tory Government seeking widespread consensus and only bringing in legislation which had broad support.  It was certainly not a mandate for semi-privatisation of the NHS, for a radical rolling out of so-called “Free” schools, for a tripling of tuition fees, for savage cuts to benefits, for the bedroom tax, for tax cuts for the wealthiest and for a glib self-satisfaction that this was how the economy was made to succeed (whereas in reality we limped along for years and eventually things got a bit better despite Government policy rather than because of it).

And all of this was facilitated by the Lib-Dems, who in their mad dash for glory after a century out of Government rolled over for their tummies to be rubbed but instead have been well and truly kicked in the goollies.  The Tories cleverly locked them in for five years, and even more cleverly have managed to take credit for the few good bits the Lib-Dems brought to the party.

And now at their conference they are attacking the nasty Tories at every turn.  Well guys, it just doesn’t add up.  They have been allowed to be nasty because you supported their meanness, they have almost ruined the NHS because you let them, and on and on.  And co-incidentally Clegg and co. have ruined their parties’ credibility and electoral chances into the bargain.  So, it is all very well complaining now – where you for the last five years?

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