
Wednesday 2nd August

Say what you want about Thatcher and Blair, but the main reason they stayed in Power for over 10 years was Competence.  They were actually quite good at the job, even if many of their policies you may have disagreed with.  They pushed through the decisions they wanted, and most important of all they controlled both their Cabinet and their Party.

We are now faced with an unprecedented degree of incompetence in both America and here in Britain.  Here we have a Prime Minister only in name – even her own party know she is a disaster, but because of the nightmare of Brexit nobody wants to take over from her.  It was an open secret that she wanted to get rid of Philip Hammond, her Chancellor, just before the disastrous election – but he is safe and secure in his post, because she dare not sack him.  Any of the ‘Big Beasts’ (though looking remarkably small these days) in the Tory party must be kept safe in the Cabinet, even allowed to openly argue for different forms of Brexit, as long as they don’t rock the boat too much. And Brexit is relentlessly being pursued, even though no-one has any real idea what the final deal will look like.  Sheer incompetence.

In America we have Donald Trump, once feared but now a laughing stock. We all knew he was an egoist, a womanizer, a racist and a bully.  What we really underestimated was his Incompetence.  He ‘presides’ over, or rather is the victim of, a completely chaotic White House.  There are at least three factions fighting for precedence and the President’s ear (though whether that organ is actually linked to his brain is questionable).  There is the establishment Republican party, represented by Vice President Mike Pence, and until just sacked, Reance Prebius (or however you spell such a ridiculous name).  There is the lunatic Right wing bigot Steve Bannon whose agenda is maybe closer to Armageddon than anything seen before, but he seems unmovable as a special advisor.  There is his family, or more specifically his daughter Ivanka (his wife is conspicuous by her absence and obvious boredom at the whole affair) and son-in-law Jared Kushner.  Nepotism of the highest order and stinking of corruption.  There is also General Kelly, who at the moment seems in the ascendant, but by the time you read this it could all change.  After all the latest ‘Saviour’ of Trump’s fortunes, Scarmucci only lasted 10 days.  In fact with sackings and resignations this makes about 7 changes – and must bring into question Trump’s ability to even judge other’s characters.  And the amazing thing is that he was apparently a ‘Good Businessman’ (a contradiction if ever there was one) who made a fortune through clever deals.  Well, either he was incredibly lucky in his former life or he has lost his touch.

And of all the dangerous character flaws in a leader maybe Incompetence is the most dangerous.