From Crazy to Sublime

Saturday 21st March

I will shortly be leaving work – and not a minute too soon either.  The restaurant group I look after has severe cash-flow problems, and for a whole year I have been dealing (mostly successfully) with it, negotiating with suppliers and spending around a day a week checking statements and making sure that what little money we have is spread out as equitably as possible.  Little thanks have I received either, just complaints when we occasionally get put on stop because even I cannot satisfy everyone (I know that most women would disagree, but hey).  Anyway as I am going soon and another will be taking my place my bosses are now busy trying to rearrange the workload so that my successor will have a far easier time of it.  They are even admitting that they should have listened to me a year ago – the story of my life.  Anyway.  On Thursday I left all that behind and flew into Eymet, and oh, how sublime it is.  The sun was shining and I sat in the garden for an hour catching the late afternoon glow.  We had a lovely meal at the Creperie and a few glasses of Rose before stumbling home and to bed.

Today it was catching up on a few odd-jobs at the Café, chatting to people who came in and generally chilling out.  Amazing how easy it is to talk to people out here, so many are looking for properties, especially as the euro is so weak at the moment.  Tonight we are trying out a new Chinese Restaurant in Miramont, which is actually Thai I believe, with some good friends.  Then we will be popping in to the Gambetta to catch Geoff Barker singing and playing good old sixties and seventies rock and roll.  I fear some serious inroads may be made into the European wine lake.  We do believe in doing our bit to help the French reduce their surpluses.