Brexit is the Only Show In Town

Saturday 10th December

The NHS crumbles on, waiting lists lengthen, trolleys block up A. & E., old people languish in beds because there is nowhere in the community for them.  All the arguments about Academies and Free Schools and now even Grammar Schools are themselves now academic; no-one really cares, the kids are in schools, we have other things to worry about.  Global warming gallops on at a pace, air pollution increasing daily, fracking is set to begin soon and will simply add to the problem – but, hey…who cares.  Deficit reduction has been given up; well, money is still cheap so let’s just borrow some more.  Donald Trump continues to tweet about anything that flits across his mind when he cannot sleep, upsetting all and sundry – but, that’s America, that battle is lost for four years and this is happening right now.  Or not, actually…

Brexit hasn’t happened yet.  There is a long way to go.  An inordinate amount of money is being squandered at the Supreme Court to decide who actually has the power to trigger the thing.  And no-one has a clue what sort of Brexit, soft, hard or ‘red, white and blue’ (hahaha…the worst line ever) Mrs. May will be aiming for.  Then there will be the negotiations, then the French and German Elections which may upset things too.  And even when, and if (because no-one has said what will happen if the U.K. and the E. U. cannot find common ground) an exit is agreed, it will go to the European Parliament (where incidentally UKIP will still have its overpaid and destructive MEPs) and then it will have to be ratified by all 28 (including us) countries of the current EU.

How long all of this will take is debatable, but I predict that there will be little else discussed at Westminster for at least three years, which will bring us to an election…

And what will the parties talk about….that’s right, Brexit.