Another Day, Another Scandal

Wednesday 9th July

We have had expenses, we have had phone hacking, we have had police corruption, we have had Jimmy Saville, we have had Roman Catholic priests and today, another scandal.  This time apparently involving M.P.s and Civil Servants and maybe even Cabinet members systematically abusing young boys.  Almost unbelievable, but there have been rumours swilling around for years.  I am sure that quite a few Editors in Fleet Street have had stuff locked away for years that they dared not publish previously.  One does begin to wonder just what sort of a society we live in. If true, this one tops the lot though.  The idea that kids were bussed in to peadophile rings from children’s homes is too awful to imagine.  Frankly it makes all the rest seem like minor indiscretions.

And how do we put this sort of thing right.  Will people in power always abuse that power?  So how do we build a society where goodness prevails?  It seems to me that the Police are as bad as the people they are supposed to be policing.  And those policing the police are either incompetent or too scared.  When has a Policeman ever been found guilty of unlawfully killing one of us?

This is where the Labour party should be working, trying to come up with a totally different way of running the country.  Maybe televised Cabinet meetings, minutes of all meetings on the internet, the real power for citizens to decide on things.  It cannot be impossible with the internet for all of us to be able to at least register our views on what Parliament is proposing, and maybe a threshold of 60% public approval must be achieved before they can proceed.  Crazy revolutionary ideas maybe, but surely we cannot carry on like this for much longer.