A Miserable Start to the Year

Friday 3rd January

I am still full of cold.  Only if anything it has deepened.  What was just a nuisance before is now quite painful.  A deep chesty phlegm laden cough that racks your whole upper body and leaves you gasping for air and strength.  And a runny nose that at times is like a tap, just running liquid.  Add to that the feeling that you aren’t really there, that your thinking mind has deserted you and you are simply going through the motions.

While in France out walking with the dogs I fell over too.   One minute I was okay and then stumbling forwards, arms flailing, trying desperately and ultimately hopelessly to stay on my feet.  As I sat there on the wet pavement I felt truly wretched, and it took me a minute or two to get to my feet.  I thought I was uninjured but since then I have had an aching in my ribs, in exactly the same place I cracked them over a year ago.  Now, especially laying in bed it really hurts to turn over.  I sit propped up on four pillows so that I won’t be coughing much and try to sleep.

And the weather is awful.  Cold wet and windy.  Compared to many we may not be suffering that much, and at least our houses are warm and we can afford to heat them, but it is still grim on the journey from tube station to home or work.  So, a lovely start to the New Year.