A few questions about the Universe

Wednesday 6th February

I would like to ask a few questions about the Universe, there may not be any answers or the answers may be out there and no-one has yet discovered them, or more likely, articulated them.  Maybe they just haven’t been publicized, kept as some sort of secret for the cognoscenti of astro-phycisists; who knows, but they are questions I ponder.

Firstly, if for the sake of argument we accept the current model of the origins of the Universe; you know Big bang and all that, then what I want to know is this.  If there was some huge explosion or expansion of the Universe from almost nothing to what it is today, and as far as I understand the Universe is still expanding, we must be able to trace that expansion.  We must be able to follow the trajectory of all these Constellations and with the aid of computers trace back to the starting point.  Well, where exactly is it?  And if there was an expansion from one point then logically there should be a fairly big bit of nothing where everything hurtled away from.  Is anyone examining that bit of space?  Why there?  What was special about that place that caused the Big Bang?  Maybe we should start looking there?

Secondly I have never seen a model of the known Universe anywhere.  I understand it must be vast; I once saw a model in a TV studio of our own Solar System with the Sun the size of a small ball and poor old Pluto way out in the car park.   But with the aid of computer graphics we should be able to see a model of the Universe.  All the pictures we see are of swirls of white dots which the scientists tell us are stars and solar systems, but are so far away they appear as blurs of white light.  I want to see them as spheres, even better if they are on wires representing their orbits, and even if it is miles between one star and another a physical 3D representation would help us all to begin to understand what it is all about.

And as to THAT question, WHAT IS IT ALL ABOUT?  Why are we here?  Why does the Universe exist?  Well, the answer was here all along.

You put your left leg in, you take your left leg out.  You put your left leg in and shake it all about. You do the Hokey-Cokey and you turn around. THAT’S WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT.