I Love My Dog

Sunday 23rd April

Cat Stevens had a string of hits in the late Sixties, before he decided to become a real Singer-Songwriter instead of just a Pop-Star.  One of these was ‘I love my dog’.  A strange little song, but catchy and with an undeniable sentiment.

This is a difficult post.  I love my dog.  Little Polly was the most affectionate dog I have ever known.  She loved to kiss everyone she met, especially small children.  She was so tolerant she would let them drag her on a lead everywhere without complaint, and roll on her back for her tummy to be stroked at every opportunity.  She was always glad to see me, even when I was in a bad mood; she was there to cheer me up.  She loved her food, especially chicken or turkey freshly cooked.  She would sit waiting as I carved it and removed the bones, waiting for me to throw her the occasional scrap of skin her way.  She slept on my bed every night, and the few days in England without her I would sometimes reach out for her in the night.  She snored incredibly loudly but somehow this helped me to sleep, and maybe disguised my own snores.  She was only eight when she became ill a few days ago; a mild infection the vet said.  We gave her the anti-biotics and she seemed to recover.  Only to relapse a couple of days ago.  She died as we held her waiting at the Vets.  Her little heart gave out.  So, bye-bye Polly.  We will miss you, and yes ‘we loved our dog.’

Other dogs may come and go, but Polly was special.