Excuse me, but is anyone in charge?

Monday 14th October

Tempted as I am to ask that very question; in restaurants when the food arrives cold and unappetizing, at the railway station when the signs deliberately send you the wrong way, when you wake up in the morning to cold persistent rain.  I mean, who exactly is in charge?  The world is run so badly, it is literally disorganized chaos.  Thousands die of starvation with nary a comment, yet the papers just cannot get enough of the disappearance of little Madeleine McCann.  Celebrity shit replaces education, karaoke in the place of singer-songwriters, mediocrity everywhere.

And even the Government, where in one’s naievety one expects at least Cameron to be in charge, it is actually chaos; far more reacting to events than deciding them.  Decisions and announcements are made purely for political reasons, people forget and no-one seems to check if they are ever implemented.  The lottery of life continues unabated, and no-one is in charge.  Maybe that was why Religion had such a hold on earlier generations.  No-one had any idea who was in charge, so the idea of some omniscient God seemed attractive.  At least He might know what was happening.  And even if it seemed chaotic, God was simply testing us; it was all part of God’s mysterious plan.  Hahaha.

Whether or not he created the universe, or even simply made matter and the Laws of Phsyics and set the whole thing in motion, he has long since left us to it.  The news, in case you might have missed it is that GOD has left the building, the town, the country, the planet and the whold bleedin’ Universe.

So, would you mind telling me please, just who the fuck is in charge?