2066 – A Word from Janek’s Observer

Wednesday 15th June

-[And so our dear friend Janek appears to be progressing amazingly well.  His renowned sense of humour seems to be returning also, and though there were always fears of a personality change I think we can still detect enough of the old Janek in amongst his super-brain observations.

His insistence on speeding up the programme did cause us some heated discussions.  We have had failures in the recent past, although in Janek’s case he seemed to thrive on this unprecedented level of conjoining, receiving an almost unlimited burst of data into his brain.  I had received only about 10% more analyzing power in my own four year-ago partial conjoining and took months to recover my full functions.  I have benefited incredibly from this heightened clarity of thinking and analyzing.  I can only imagine how brilliant it must be to be inside the brain of Janek Smith, who has received so much more.

Many were rejected before attempted conjoining.  It is a long and laborious process, but one designed to weed out weakness, to (to use an old saying) separate the wheat from the chaff.  I can report that chaff does tend to outweigh wheat by almost ten to one.  Of course with the super-evolved children we are now breeding this ratio is bound to improve.  And the results have not been uniform, although certainly some discernible improvement has been measured in all conjoinees.  And the famous second stage conjoining has only been theory so far, we have never actually tried it.  So, all our ideas were and are subject to correction.  Janek was correct also as to the continued fitness regime, all the data was showing no benefit at all by continuing, so he was allowed to rest and to browse the supernet, absorbing as much knowledge as he wanted until the date for his second conjoining, the fifth of November.

You may be interested in my own progress, by the way.  I have been promoted, and now rather than just having observer status, I am an integral part of the team supervising Janek.  This was partly because of my success in ‘turning’ him, from potential ‘reb’ into MIP number one.  (Most Important Person, by the way, a rather ridiculous and unnecessary designation; still, anything to please the Americans, who seem to like this nonsense.)  In truth I did very little.  Although, as is often the case, there may have been more skill in appearing to do very little than all of those running around and shouting have achieved.   And maybe, even though our meetings were many and long (only a very few have been included in this document, but up-loadable appendix number 3 contains full transcripts) I was able to establish some sort of a bond with Janek.  Despite his dismissive comments, (humour of a very black and dry variety you could say) I feel that he liked me.  I certainly liked him.  Of course, the opportunities for old-fashioned friendships are not in the nature of the work we are embarked upon.  In fact friendships are not encouraged in our world at all.  After all, the random non-sexual attraction and desire for reciprocality are time-wasting and offer no material advantage, rather they are potential hazards.  A hostage to future fortunes if ever there were one.  Nevertheless, and despite the roles we were forced to play of Interrogator and Prisoner, in another time and place, maybe we would have at least seen each other as equals.]-